Jim Harbin Entry Information
The Jim Harbin Student Media Festival has been around for 48 years! It was Jim Harbin's vision and is FAME's vision to teach, encourage and celebrate Florida's student media producers. Student filmmakers learn many valuable lessons from equipment usage & care to copyright laws to protect artists like themselves. We celebrate the learning and creativity of Florida's young artists.
1. For student videos to be eligible for the Jim Harbin Student Media Festival the video(s) must first go through a county and then the regional level. Chairpersons for these contests can be found here: Jim Harbin homepage
2. Review the categories AND rules for entering videos! This is critical. Videos will be disqualified if rules are not followed. You can find these documents here: Rules and Categories
3. The rubric that is used at the regional and state level of the competition is here: Rubric
Note: that counties may be using the same rubric to judge at the district level.
4. The videos that win at the regional level will be required to upload their videos to Film Freeway for judging.
5. 1st through 3rd places will be announced in the fall and celebrated at the FAME Annual Conference.
1. For student videos to be eligible for the Jim Harbin Student Media Festival the video(s) must first go through a county and then the regional level. Chairpersons for these contests can be found here: Jim Harbin homepage
2. Review the categories AND rules for entering videos! This is critical. Videos will be disqualified if rules are not followed. You can find these documents here: Rules and Categories
3. The rubric that is used at the regional and state level of the competition is here: Rubric
Note: that counties may be using the same rubric to judge at the district level.
4. The videos that win at the regional level will be required to upload their videos to Film Freeway for judging.
5. 1st through 3rd places will be announced in the fall and celebrated at the FAME Annual Conference.
Information and Rules:
- Rules and Categories: https://tinyurl.com/JHRules
- Parent Permission Form: Please have parent permissions on file at the school level.
- Judging Rubric PDF for 2022, updated. We went to a 10 point scale to eliminate so many tied-scores.
- For Tech support contact: Robert Walker or Jennifer Daniels
- Submissions will have 2 parts. 1. Uploading your video to FilmFreeway. 2. Submitting your video to the Jim Harbin Student Media Festival if you place in regionals. Storyboards and/or scripts, copyright documentation and video must all be uploaded.
- Remember, ALL schools must have a FAME member to participate at Regional and State Level of the competition.
*Any mention of commercial products or services on any Florida Association for Media In Education communication platform is for information only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by FAME.
Contact and Membership Info
PO Box 13085
North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (863)585-6802 FEIN: 23-736-7407 [email protected] Webmasters/Membership: Rebecca Radic [email protected] For media and press requests: Deb Svec [email protected] |
Conference Registration
FAME Registration:
Crystal Madison eventPower [email protected] Exhibitor/Sponsor Opportunities Diane Dodson eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1965 - or - Erin Ong eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1960 |
Social Media
@SSYRAJR @FloridaSSYRA @FLTeensR3d YouTube Channel
@floridamediaed |
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