Benefits of FAME Membership
FAME membership dues cover not only the running and management of Florida's professional organization for school media personnel, but the following benefits as well:
- advocacy at the national level through active participation as an ALA and AASL affiliate
- advocacy at the state, and national level through representation at Florida Legislative Days and National Library Legislative Days
- advocacy at the local level as a voice and support for the value of our role and profession
- signature programs: Sunshine State Young Readers Award (SSYRA), Sunshine State Young Readers Award Jr. (SSYRA Jr.), Florida Teens Read (FTR), Jim Harbin Student Film Festival (these programs rely on your dues to operate)
- professional development in various formats that are tailored specifically to membership requests
- annual conference with professional development unique to members' needs and author events to support your school literacy efforts
- scholarships to members furthering their education
- awards to members who have innovative programming in their school
- awards to member-nominated administrators and principals who have contributed to the promotion of effective school library programs and services
- leadership development opportunities
- networking opportunities
- Florida Media Quarterly (FMQ) publication
- pride in knowing you have a voice in one of the top state school library professional associations in the nation
Please note: FAME membership year is
July 1-June 30.
*Any mention of commercial products or services on any Florida Association for Media In Education communication platform is for information only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by FAME.
Contact and Membership Info
PO Box 13085
North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (863)585-6802 FEIN: 23-736-7407 [email protected] Webmasters/Membership: Rebecca Radic [email protected] For media and press requests: Deb Svec [email protected] |
Conference Registration
FAME Registration:
Crystal Madison eventPower [email protected] Exhibitor/Sponsor Opportunities Diane Dodson eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1965 - or - Erin Ong eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1960 |
Social Media
@SSYRAJR @FloridaSSYRA @FLTeensR3d YouTube Channel
@floridamediaed |
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