- Institutional Membership
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- Institutional Membership Dues
Institutional Membership Dues
The FAME Institutional Membership provides membership to multiple staff members at one school location. Your Reading Coach can register for SSYRA and your television production teacher can submit entries to the Jim Harbin Student Media Festival all under one membership application. Anyone at your school can participate in FAME events, sponsor applicants for all FAME award programs, and attend professional development activities (conferences) at the member discounted rate.
Important Notice: If you are in the process of registering for the conference, please be aware that membership verification may take up to 24 hours to complete. This waiting period ensures that your membership is properly confirmed before you can proceed with your registration.
If you require immediate assistance and cannot wait the full 24 hours, please reach out to [email protected]. Our support team will be available to help expedite your conference registration for FAME 2024.

*Any mention of commercial products or services on any Florida Association for Media In Education communication platform is for information only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by FAME.
Contact and Membership Info
PO Box 13085
North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (863)585-6802 FEIN: 23-736-7407 [email protected] Webmasters/Membership: Rebecca Radic [email protected] For media and press requests: Deb Svec [email protected] |
Conference Registration
FAME Registration:
Crystal Madison eventPower [email protected] Exhibitor/Sponsor Opportunities Diane Dodson eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1965 - or - Erin Ong eventPower [email protected] (703) 740-1960 |
Social Media
@SSYRAJR @FloridaSSYRA @FLTeensR3d YouTube Channel
@floridamediaed |